Let the Heat Not Bother You… Celebrate Summer!

https://epaper.prabhanews.com/c/39841778 Let the Heat Not Bother You… Celebrate Summer! In the Vedic almanac, summer is a time for happiness, abundance, and occasions. Trees are loaded down with fruits, vegetables and herbs are filling out the garden. Tall grasses grace fields, and children play outdoors on their summer vacations. Naturally, we experience fullness, contentment, and relaxation. Cultures all over the world celebrate summer by revering solar deities, rejoicing bountiful crops, feasting outdoors and commemorating their divine reunion with the earth. But with these beautiful extrinsic factors, one also need to achieve a sense of balance with some cooling activities to curtail the heat of the season internally. Consuming fluids are ‘a must’ as our bodies are generally depleted of them. This inturn, helps to replenish our system and help us feel cool. Walking barefoot on grass, preferably under trees is another good idea. The grass takes the mo...