The Power of Life : Prana Mudra The Power of Life : Prana Mudra There is an age-old science of hand gestures using fingers and thumb which are supposed to direct the delicate energies in the body. It’s important to know, the way your systems behaves can be altered just by changing the stance or position of your palm. This is an art by itself which essentially involves the calculus and wiring within us. By practising a certain mudra, the energies tend to travel in a particular way. Specially in yoga, there are classifications and structures where you can regulate your breathing in a certain way, with certain counts and proportions. This may lead you to pinpoint your energies acting as a ‘ control panel’ to everything. . The choice is yours to either keep this human system as an infant human being or you can enlarge this into vast possibilities. The beauty of Indian culture is that for everything, things are identified like particular asana’s, mudras ...