A Wellness Gateway Towards Spiritual Progress
Wellness Gateway Towards Spiritual Progress
Shruti ChaturLal Sharma
The chakras are
delicate energy centers, literally “wheels”, that prevail on the physiological
level as nerve plexuses. All except the 7th are placed on the Sushmanaa,
the central paramount channel within the spinal cord. Life force travels
through these channels or avenues, a literal “stairway to consciousness” or I
may say, a “stairway to heaven”.
Then the sun shines
upon us, we feel its warmth, we feel its vibrations of heat upon us physically.
It’s the vibration of light reflected that allows us to feel and see. In a
similar case, we hear music because of the vibrations captured in the tiny
chambers nautilus in our inner ear, composed of little hairs that vibrate when
the sound reach them. This is how both sight and sound in our physical bodies
are directly tied with vibrations.
Chanting of mantras
also called Japa in Sanskrit, the syllable ‘ja’ destroys the birth and death
cycle and the syllable ‘pa’ destroys all sins. The Japa itself has some
classifications such as ‘vachika japa’ where one repeats the
mantra out loud affecting the body physically. The second kind called’ upamshu
japa’ is when
chanting is whispered or muttered reaching deeply inside one’s soul. ‘Manasika
japa’ on the other side are the mantras when chanted silently.
The word ‘mantra’ has
taken root in the usage of ordinary English conversations many a times, but few
of us are actually aware what mantra is all about. In simple words, mantras are
the spiritual formulas tested by the ancient sages which brings energy and
consciousness into the spine, and to the chakras located along the spine for a
specific purpose, producing specific effects.
The first chakra, Muladhara
is ruled by the ‘earth’ principle with its seed sound ‘Lam’. By chanting this
seed sound, one begins to draw in energies that clears the chakra and start the
process to ensure basic survival. Since our survival, emotional as well as physical,
is often tied to desires, the mantra “Om Bhakta Saughagyah Dayinyei Namaha”
help one to achieve abundance and provide energy that leads to the accumulation
of positive thoughts in life.
Swadisthana, the
second chakra is empowered by the element ‘water’ and sound seed ‘Vam’.
The energy of this chakra is extremely powerful as it deals with the issues of
pleasure, sexual identity. It can be harnessed and developed for extraordinary
healing capabilities or it can be used to expose tricky physic damage to
others. Addiction is also one of the problems that has its provenance with this
chakra. Sometimes we find path of pleasure that are downright calamitous which
may be drug or alcohol abuse, sexual addition or smoking. In our search of
pleasure we must be sane for sure. The mantra “Om Jita Kamaya Namaha”
helps to conquer a specific unhelpful desire that you identify.
At the third chakra called Manipura
chakra, we begin to face our power issues with alteration in karmic
circumstances. Being governed by Agni (fire) element, it has given us twelve spiritual
gifts of the sun that can be obtained through chanting of the mantras ruling
each of the planets. With a foundation mantra for these planets, they are also
driven by other hundreds of mantras. So, if you have a problem in a certain
area, you can reduce the karmic difficulties for that part of the body by
working with corresponding planetary mantras. Remember, sun mantra “Om
Surayaya Namaha” is chanted to increase courage and fame providing
esoteric results such as illumination, healing abilities, spiritual magnetism. The
sound seed for this ten petal lotus is ‘Ram’.
The Anhata Chakra is where
humanity is united spiritually and where it will be ultimately be united in
everyday life with sound seed ‘Yam’. This is the dwelling place
where love manifests. Internally, this place is called Vishnu Granthi (knot),
as it is located at three places along the spine acting as barriers, not
letting the kundalini pass unless it is safe for the subtle & physical
body. The mantra “Om Tare Tuttate Ture Swaha” is counted as the most powerful
& compassionate in the Tibetan tradition, Tara being the universal
foundation bringing incalculable blessings.
Lead by the ether
principle, Vishuddha Chakra, is the gateway to the Akashic records.
Everything is stored here, yet time in the normal sense does not exist. Time is
like a rolled up canvas on which all the events of a particular cycle of
creation are written which can be attuned with the great Gayatri Mantra. This
sixteen petal lotus is disciplined with the sound ‘Hum’ and recognise the
seven musical notes as its nectar.
The Ajna Chakra between the
eyebrows has two petals and chord with seed sound ‘Om’, a place of cosmic
unified mind. When Paramahansa Yogananda described meditation in his book
“Autobiography of a Yogi” in which he had 360 vision, his consciousness was
established at this chakra.
The thousand petal lotus at
the crown of the head, Sahasara Chakra does not have a
specific mantra but contains all the mantras. Here the actual attainment is
being experienced with no more further levels to encompass. In other words, all the levels and layers of
universe exist here in potential rather than in manifest state.
But somehow, some schools
of spiritual practice in India teach meditations that concentrate solely on the
seed sounds that rule the chakras where as some are based on other means of
mantras. However, different schools have
different ideas of how to clear the chakras and what kind of energy should be
drawn in. Thus, practice your bit and experience what suits the best for you.
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