
by Shruti ChaturLal Sharma

Stress … Just the word brings on a quickening of heartbeat. These are the signs which make you feel you are stressed!!
Its not a comforting or comfortable feeling, and when experienced on an ongoing basis, it can literally kill. 
Stress raises our levels of cortisol and adrenaline hormones that prepare us for reacting under an imminent threat. This response is useful not just for escaping from a physical attack but also for handling non-life-threatening challenges that come our way. 
The reality is that we all experience stress. Our day-to-day existence is filled with problems.
Every time we solve one, a new one springs up. Pressures of life are so great that they affect us physically and mentally. It’s no wonder we find people undergoing tremendous stress and strain. Is there any way to attain stress-free living?
** Relief from stress right at your fingertips :

Mudras or hand gestures are hand indications done in conjunction with breathing exercises allow the flow of vitality that balances the five elements namely – air, space, water, earth, and fire. They act like little helpers that positively influence our flow of life. One of the most common mudra that helps towards de-stressing is Gyan Mudra. As the name suggests, this mudra imparts wisdom and understanding. On the head of our thumb lies the centres of endocrine and pituitary glands. Pressing these centres by the index finger makes the two glands become active. Other mudra’s falling for the same category are Vayu Mudra, Kalesvara Mudra, Uttarabodhi mudra. These Mudra grant many other benefits and can be done anywhere, at the metro station or while walking, at home while watching TV or while you are stuck at your seat in office.

** Yoga postures to release stress
Yoga is an ancient art and a nice form of spiritual practice that is capable of your overall well-being. Yoga positions to reduce stress are performed worldwide in fact. One of the most popular yoga exercise Surya Namaskar is one of the most efficient practices for mental and physical fitness and is the best thing one can do to begin your day with. It is all in one yogic exercise to bring mental and physical fitness together. If you don’t have much time to perform yoga, you should include this yoga practice in your daily routine. Just doing this yoga exercise regularly will keep you away from several physical and mental confusion. If anyway one can’t perform Surya Namaskar, other yoga postures such as Sukhasana, Tadasana, Balasana, Padmasana, Bhujangasana, Vriksasana can be replaced without a second thought.


** Pressure points as Healers   
Acupressure restore health fitness and stability to the body's channels of energy and regulate opposing forces of yin (negative energy) and yang (positive energy). It’s a technique where practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows or feet, or special devices to apply pressure to various essential points of our body. Sometimes, it also involves stretching or massaging, as well as other methods. Giving yourself a relaxing ear massage by gently massaging your ears with your thumb and forefinger with no exact pressure, pulling down gently on the lobes and rub the inner surface of the ear for about 2-3 minutes leaves you soothed and calm all over.

** De-strain yourself with facial yoga
All day long your face helps you see, breathe, chew, speak, laugh, cry, kiss, grin, grimace, smile, frown, sneeze and a whole lot more. It gets hit by sun, rain, wind, snow, rubs, scratches, make-up, grit and grime, as well as smiles, stares, glares and other looks from friends, family, and strangers. There are about 16 muscles, a dozen bones and assorted arteries, veins and blood vessels that help your face do the things it does. Like muscles in other parts of your body, your face muscles absorb and store a lot of stress and tension. Unless you relax those muscles, they get stiff, hard and look strained. Tense muscles also constrict blood vessels, limiting the flow of blood and nutrients to your face. What's more, the tension in your face muscles can cause headaches and spread down into our neck and shoulders. Peekaboo! Push and Pull Eyebrow is a simple lesson that can help one relieve facial tension and make you look and feel more relaxed. It can be simply done by holding your eyebrows with your fingers such that you can pull the eyebrows from the center towards the end of the eyebrows. Do this for 3 to 4 minutes. You can even do this exercise just before an interview or presentation. Your face will radiate confidence and composure keeping you stress-free.
Lastly, de-stress yourself with the amino acid tryptophan that can be helpful in the production of serotonin a chemical produced in the brain that produces feel-good emotions. Tryptophan  is found naturally in turkey, peanuts, tofu, sesame seeds and is absorbed by the brain more efficiently when eaten with foods rich in carbohydrates. Opting for low fat, sugar and salt free crackers, whole grain bread and rice combined with a tryptophan-rich food for a healthy snack.

I believe practicing becomes fun when you see the results and get a boost to your self-confidence. Do let's de-stress with positivity!


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